Finaccountants  a venture by Finguru Services India Private Limited


How to leverage digital transformation and Industry 4.0 for your manufacturing business

How to leverage digital transformation and Industry 4.0 for your manufacturing business

What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 results from the rapid fusion of new technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, and additive Manufacturing. These breakthroughs reshape entire industries and alter how businesses run, compete, and generate value. Why digitalization and Industry 4.0 is essential for Manufacturing? In an environment where competition…

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Advantages of Automated Expense Tracking & Monitoring

Advantages of Automated Expense Tracking & Monitoring

Tracking your business expenses is a key activity that should not be ignored in any given month. By tracking your expenses correctly you can keep your finances ahead of time and avoid overspending. Here are a few reasons why you should keep an eye on your expenses. Prime reasons you should track and monitor your…

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The Future of Accounting and Bookkeeping with AI

The Future of Accounting and Bookkeeping with AI

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is actively pursued by leading technological companies. Recognizing AI's capabilities for enhancing day-to-day business operations, many companies have already adopted AI through the use of AI chatbots and for research purposes. Accounting and bookkeeping, in particular, are two occupations that can benefit from AI, as it can assist accountants…

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Benefits of Accounts Receivables & Accounts Payable Automation

Benefits of Accounts Receivables & Accounts Payable Automation

AP (Accounts payable) and AR (Accounts receivable) are interrelated. That’s why understanding the AR AP cycle and it is important to understand what they are.Accounts receivable refers to the sum of money a company is entitled to receive from its clients or customers against the services or products sold on credit. Accounts receivables are also…

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Tax Automation – TDS, GST & VAT ULTIMATE Guide

Tax Automation – TDS, GST & VAT ULTIMATE Guide

Automation has become an essential part of our life. From chatbots to kiosks, and AI-powered gadgets, automation is everywhere. And why work hard when you can work smart? In the world of finance and accounting,

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The Future of Accounting and the Role of Technology

The Future of Accounting and the Role of Technology

Overview The future of accounting looks to be heavily influenced by accounting and bookkeeping tasks. This trend is expected to persist and even accelerate in the coming years. Here we have listed a few technological trends that might change the accounting future. Accounting Technology:

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Cash Is Trash

Cash Is Trash

Cash is trash; is it a new concept? No. To understand why cash is losing its power, we need to understand and acknowledge the economic factor and what exactly cash is. As per our system, we categorize any holding of value as an ‘Asset.’ These assets are of different forms as well, such as fixed,…

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How can Fintech Companies Integrate Automation in just 5 Steps?

How can Fintech Companies Integrate Automation in just 5 Steps?

Introduction Automation in fintech is a need of an hour - why are we claiming? With ever-changing and constantly increasing technologies in fintech - the maintenance and optimal usage of such innovations are even hard to handle for tech personnel. Not only operational integration -

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Why must you choose to outsource finance?

Why must you choose to outsource finance?

Outsourcing your finance can help your business grow, but many business owners are unaware of the benefits. Accounting and finance are frequently thought to contribute in traditional ways: Outsourced accounting and fractional CFO services that help a company think strategically and track its strategy back to key performance indicators (KPIs) can be critical in growing your…

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